Sept. 20, 2007
1. Use five words to describe yourself.
Kindhearted, competitive, driven, easygoing, loyal
2. What is your favorite class or professor to date at Notre Dame, and why?
My favorite professor is Dr. Lim for calculus.
3. Do you read horoscopes? If you do, do you believe in them? If not, why not?
If I come across it I’ll read it, but I don’t usually believe it, unless it’s a good one.
4. What is your major? Why did you choose this major?
I’m thinking about doing Science Pre-Professional or Arts & Letters Pre-Professional so I can go on to physical therapy.
5. If you could have a meal with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
I think probably Jesus.
6. What is the first thing you think about when you wake up?
I think about what I have to do that day.
7. Do you have any siblings?
I have an older and a younger sister.
8. What is your favorite movie?
Gone In Sixty Seconds
9. Who was your role-model as a child? Why? Has your role model changed now that you are older?
When I was a kid my role model was probably Mia Hamm. It changes here and there.
10. Where is the most interesting place you have traveled?
I would say Belize.
11. If you could choose any year of your life to live over again, what year would it be?
My senior year of high school. It was really a lot of fun, and everything just went really well.
12. What annoys you the most?
I don’t like it when people crack their knuckles, or when people touch my shins.
13. What are your plans for after graduation?
Probably either get a job, or go to grad school, but I don’t really have a plan yet.
14. If you could eat only one thing for the rest of your life, what would you eat?
I would probably eat turkey sandwiches.
15. What is the last book you’ve ever read?
The last book I’ve read was The Poisonwood Bible for school.
16. What do you like the most about being at Notre Dame?
I like being on my own. It’s a cool place to be; it has such a nice spirit and good feeling.
17. Describe your perfect day- who would you spend it with, what would you do, where would you be?
Right now, I’d like to go visit my boyfriend and just spend time together.
18. Who was the most famous person you have ever met?
Lou Holtz is one that comes to mind.
19. Where is your favorite place on campus?
I haven’t really found a favorite place yet- it’s still early.
20. How has being a student and athlete at Notre Dame influenced your life?
It pretty much takes over your life. You have to spend a lot of your free time doing your homework, especially since we’ve been on the road traveling. So it has made my life a lot busier.