Oct. 30, 2007
1. Use five words to describe yourself.
Determined, competitive, happy, Canadian, funny
2. What is your favorite class or professor to date at Notre Dame, and why?
Biology lab with Kristen Lewis, she uses a lot of technology and is really fun. She makes a lot of jokes in class.
3. Do you read horoscopes? If you do, do you believe in them? If not, why not?
No, I don’t read them.
4. What is your major?
Why did you choose this major? Science education. I take education classes at Saint Mary’s. I chose this because both my parents are teachers, and I’ve wanted to be a teacher for a long time so I can play golf in the summer.
5. If you could have a meal with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?
A big meal with all my cousins and family and friends.
6. What is the first thing you think about when you wake up?
What I’m going to wear and what do I have to do.
7. Do you have any siblings?
I have an older brother who’s 23 and in teacher’s college right now and a younger brother who’s 17 and a senior in high school now.
8. What is your favorite movie?
I really like Enemy of the State, with Will Smith.
9. Who was your role-model as a child? Why? Has your role model changed now that you are older?
Probably my dad and my older brother. My older brother is really good athlete, and my dad is a really good golfer. Right now I don’t have many “role models” I just look to people who are ambassadors of things, like Tiger Woods. He’s a really great golfer and has done a lot for the game. I don’t like him that much, but he’s a good golfer.
10. Where is the most interesting place you have traveled?
I was in Leeds, England this summer. It was a very interesting experience. Everything was small and old. I’ve also been to Cuba. I went there in 8th grade.
11. If you could choose any year of your life to live over again, what year would it be?
I would relive senior year of high school and not work so hard in school, because I didn’t really have to. I would have more fun.
12. What annoys you the most?
When people are late.
13. What are your plans for after graduation?
I’m coming back for my 5th year to finish up my teaching degree. After that I’m going back to Canada to teach high-school science and phys ed. Also I will play or teach golf during the summers.
14. If you could eat only one thing for the rest of your life, what would you eat?
Anything having to do with pasta, bread or carbs, with some chocolate on the side.
15. What is the best book you’ve ever read?
Fires in the Bathroom, it’s an education book about high school students and what they want to tell teachers.
16. What do you like the most about being at Notre Dame?
I like the campus life, and everyone on campus, the close knit feeling of the school and the spirit of Notre Dame.
17. Describe your perfect day- who would you spend it with, what would you do, where would you be?
I would play a beautiful golf course in the morning with a couple family members, close friends and team-mates. I would go play a hockey game that night. It would probably be in Canada.
18. Who was the most famous person you have ever met?
Joe Thornton, a hockey player for the Sharks in the NHL and he lives by me.
19. Where is your favorite place on campus?
Running around the lakes is really pretty and the Grotto is cool too.
20. How has being a student and athlete at Notre Dame influenced your life?
Being a student athlete has taught me to prioritize a lot more to get the grades I want. It’s taught me respect and that people are always watching and you need to conduct yourself in a mature manner all the time. There’s a lot of support for you on campus and from alumni and the network of people on campus.