Monogram Club board member Michael Richerson '85 (football) performs a reading at a 2010 post-game Mass.

Monogram Club Video Corner - Post-Game Mass

Sept. 29, 2010


Monogram Club Video Corner – Post-Game Mass

The 2009 football season marked a new era for the Notre Dame Monogram Club, as the organization began hosting post-game Masses after each home football game, led by athletics department chaplain Rev. Paul Doyle, C.S.C. ’65. Now in its second season, the Mass has become a tradition for Monogram winners and an excellent way to end a festive Saturday on campus. Monogram Club reporter Ryan Taylor profiles the Monogram Club post-game Mass in the link above, interviewing Monogram winners, current student-athletes and Monogram board members to gain insight on why the Mass is so popular and what it means to the many who attend after each game.