#20 Jeremy Barnes 2006-07 Baseball Roster

SENIOR SEASON (2009): Fourth-yearinfielder and returning starter … spent each ofhis first three years at second base, but willmove to shortstop to replace departed BrettLilley … a talented utility player who can playany infield position or left field, all at a highlevel … will also pitch, most likely in a setuprole, this spring … has become more relaxedand confident in Notre Dame[apos]s system (underthe third-year coaching staff), with improvedresults in his hitting and defense … former allstateprep shortstop and record-setting pitcherin talent-rich Texas … noted for sure-handeddefense, all-around athleticism and tremendousknack for the game … stinging line drive batterwho can hit for average and power, with goodbase running … carries himself with great poiseand character … hit at a .287 clip during hisfirst three seasons with the Irish, totaling 127RBI in 169 games played (162 starts, 107 runs,.423 slugging pct., 11 HR, 9 3B, 34 2B, .370on-base pct., 78 BB, 8 HBP, 85 Ks, 10 sac.bunts, 20-of-28 SBs) … a .271 career hitter inBIG EAST regular-season games (84-for-310,78 GP, 64 RBI, 54 R, 7 HR, 4 3B, 13 2B, 35BB, 6 SB) … hit a combined .324 at the `06, `07and [apos]08 BIG EAST tournaments (9 RBI, 5 R)… a .423 career hitter in the Blue-Gold WorldSeries (11-for-26, 10 RBI, 5 R, 4 2B, 8 BB, 2HBP) … earned MVP honors of the 2008 Blue-Gold World Series … batted .600 (6-for-10)with a stolen base, double, run scored and threeRBI for the victorious Blue … also tossed 1.2scoreless innings of relief with three strikeouts.
JUNIOR SEASON (2008): Hit .286 (2-for-7) for the Blue in the 2007 Blue-Gold Series (3RBI, R, 2B, 3 BB, HBP) … his strong `07summer season with the WisconsinWoodchucks of the Northwoods Leagueincluded ranking second on the team inslugging percentage (.527) and home runs (7),plus third in batting average (.286) … also had20 RBI, 20 runs and 15 walks in his `07 summerseason (6 2B, 20 Ks, 4 SB, 2 Es) for team thatwent 36-31 … appeared in all 55 games for theIrish and made 53 starts … batted .307 (61-for-199) with eight home runs and 50 RBI … theeight home runs were the most by an Irishsecond baseman since Alec Porzel smacked 13in 1999 … tied Louisville[apos]s Justin McClanahanfor most homers by a BIG EAST secondbaseman and ranked second behind JeddGyorko of WVU in RBI by a league secondbaseman … added 40 runs scored, 15 doubles,one triple, 29 walks, four sacrifice bunts, threesacrifice flies and three stolen bases … finishedfirst on the team in RBI, first in doubles, firstin slugging percentage (.513), tied for first ingames played, second in home runs, second intotal bases, second in walks, third in runsscored, third in hits, third in at-bats, fourth ingames started, fourth in plate appearances(237), fifth in on-base percentage (.395) andfifth in batting average … situationally, heranked tied for third on the team in battingversus left-handed pitchers (.310) and sixth inbatting with runners in scoring position (.318)… made only six errors in 245 fielding chances(.976 fielding percentage) and helped turn 35of team[apos]s 65 double plays … reached on 31% ofhis leadoff plate appearances and hit .308 with2-outs (12 RBI) … finished tied for fourth onteam in multi-hit (15) and second in multi-RBI(10) games … had 11 two-hit games and fourthree-hit affairs … had five games with twoRBI, three games with three RBI, one gamewith four RBI and one game with five RBI …made 52 starts at second base (also one at DH)… hit primarily in the #4 (22), #5 (27) or #6spots (four) in the lineup … hit .257 in BIGEAST regular-season games (26-for-101, 23 R,24 RBI, five HR, 5 2B, 16 BB, 2 HBP, 11 Ks, 2SAC, 1 SB) … recorded hits in first four gamesof the season and six of the first seven … went1-for-3 with a walk and double in the seasonopener against Liberty on Feb. 22 … went 1-for-4 with a walk and RBI versus Iowa on Feb.23 … drew a pair of walks, doubled, scored arun and drove in a run against Albany on Feb.24 … posted back-to-back multi-hit gamesagainst Boston College (Mar. 2) and Maine(Mar. 4) … doubled twice and drove in a runagainst BC … walked twice, scored a run anddrove in another versus Maine … went 2-for-3with a run scored, sacrifice fly and three RBI inthe victory over South Alabama on Mar. 8 …after going hitless in eight at-bats against toprankedArizona (Mar. 9) and Buffalo (Mar. 14),recorded a 10-game hitting streak from Mar. 15through Mar. 29 (one shy of personal-best andthird career hitting streak of at least 10 games)… had five multi-hit games over 10-gamestretch … batted .410 (16-for-39) with a homerun, two doubles, nine runs scored and nineRBI over the hitting streak … went 3-for-4with a home run, run scored and two RBIagainst Southern Illinois on Mar. 15 … hadanother multi-hit game (2-for-4) with a RBIand run scored against Texas Pan-American onMar. 16 … opened the series againstGeorgetown 2-for-5 with a walk, double, RBIand three runs scored … posted consecutivemulti-hit games against Ball State (Mar. 25) andWisconsin-Milwaukee (Mar. 26) … went 2-for-3 with a walk, run scored and two RBI versusUWM … drove in five runs in the final twogames of the series sweep over Rutgers (Apr. 5and Apr. 6) … went 1-for-3 with a walk, doubleand three RBI on Apr. 5 … went 2-for-4 witha walk, double, two runs scored and two RBIon Apr. 6 … the Rutgers[apos] outings started astreak of eight consecutive games started inwhich Barnes registered an RBI … drove in fivein the series sweep at Villanova (Apr. 11-13) …went 2-for-5 with a run scored and three RBIin the Apr. 12 contest … went 1-for-4 with awalk, double, run scored and two RBI versusToledo on Apr. 15 … nearly became first Irishplayer to hit for the cycle in the game againstNorthern Illinois at U.S. Cellular Field on Apr.16 … went 3-for-4 with a double, three runsscored and solo home run (missed out on triplewhen official scorer ruled play as a three-baseerror) … posted second hitting streak of 10games from Apr. 5 through Apr. 19 … went 2-for-3 with a run scored and two RBI against St.John[apos]s on Apr. 27 … established a career-best11-game hitting streak from Apr. 26 throughMay 13 … it was his third hitting streak of 10games or more in 2008 and fifth such streak inhis career … earned BIG EAST Honor Rollfollowing his weekend at Connecticut (May 2-4) … hit .357 with three home runs and sevenRBI … slugged 1.071 for the weekend andbatted .500 (4-for-8) and drove in six with twoouts … set a career-high with two home runsand five RBI in the game two victory over theHuskies … went 3-for-5 with adouble and two runs scored aswell … closed 11-game hittingstreak with a great game againstMichigan … went 2-for-5 witha double, home run, two runsscored and four RBI …exploded down the stretch ofthe season … over the 11 gamesentering the regular-seasonseries finale at USF, batted .341with six home runs and 17 RBI… slugged .818 and homeredfive times in one six-gamestretch … picked up hits in 44of Notre Dame[apos]s 55 games,including 36 of the last 43.
SOPHOMORE SEASON(2007): Played sparingly (minorinjury) in the 2006 Blue-GoldWorld Series (0-for-2, R, BB,HBP, 2 GP) … played for GreatLakes League[apos]s Delaware(Ohio) Cows at start of `06summer (17 GP/14 GS, 5 H, 5RBI, 4 R, 3B, 7 BB, 10 Ks, 2SAC, 7-7 SBs, 3 Es/.959fielding pct.) before returningto hometown Dallas area totrain five weeks withprofessional sprinter J.J.Johnson … trained several timesa week while dropping hissprint times and adding bodystrength … settled into startingsecond baseman role whileappearing in all 56 games andbatting .258 … finished secondon team in doubles (8), third instolen bases (8-of-8), fourth inRBI (28), and fifth in hits (50)and walks (20) … situationally,he ranked third on team in batting withrunners in scoring position (.295) and totalrunners advanced (17), plus fourth in battingwith runners on base (.280) and versus righthandedpitchers (.281; only .188 vs. LHPs) …his other season stats included 54 starts, 27runs, .335 slugging, .329 on-base and 22 Ks(HR, 2 3B, HBP, 4 SAC) … made 14 errors(.947 fielding pct.) and helped turn 24 ofteam[apos]s 36 double plays … reached on 32% ofhis leadoff plate appearances and hit .181 withtwo-outs (7 RBI) … finished fourth on team inmulti-hit (12) and multi-RBI (7) games …made 35 starts at second base (also 9 at SS, 5at 1B, 5 in LF) … started final 32 games atsecond … hit primarily in the #6 (22) or #7spots (17) in the lineup, also batting third in 10early games (plus five in 5-hole) … hit only.247 in Feb./March but then batted at a .329clip (second-best on team) during the monthof April … hit .245 in BIG EAST regularseasongames (24-for-98, 12 R, 32 RBI, HR,3B, 2 2B, 4 BB, HBP, 12 Ks, 2 SAC, 3 SB, 4 Es)… went 2- for-4 in opening win over PrairieView (3 RBI, R, SB; 15-8, in San Antonio) …helped knock off #12 TCU (1-for-2, R, 2 BB;4-1, in Myrtle Beach, S.C.) and #7 Nebraska(2-for-3, RBI, R, BB, SAC; 16-6, at Stetson) …scored twice in 5-4 home-opener win overCleveland State (1-for-3, BB, SB) … helpedpost 17-9 win over Western Michigan (2-for-4,2 RBI, R, 2B) … went 2-for-5 in 13-10 loss toSouth Florida (RBI, R, 2B, SB, K) … helpedpost 7-3 home win over Oakland (2-for-4, 2 R,3B, SAC) and 9-5 win in series finale atCincinnati (4-for-5, RBI, 3 R, 2B, K) … went2-for-5 in series-clinching win overGeorgetown (2 RBI, 2 R, 2B, SB; 11-2),starting his 11-game hit streak (April 15-May1) that would end up tied for the longest by anIrish player in 2007 … helped Irish rally to 8-7win over Toledo (2- for-5, RBI, R, 2B) …ended Matt Bischoff [apos]s perfect game with aleadoff single in the 9th inning (up the middle,on full count), with the Irish going on to winthat game with Purdue, 1-0 in 10 … hit 4-for-14 in West Virginia series (3 RBI, 2 R, HR,SB), with a home run in game-2 (2-for-5, 2RBI; 17-6) … played key role in series win atleague leader Rutgers (4-for-11, RBI, 2 R, 3B,HBP, 3 Ks) … helped edge Illinois-Chicago, 4-3 (1-for-3, 2 RBI, BB) … hit 1-for-7 at the BIGEAST Tournament, in games vs.Rutgers (3-13) and Villanova (H,2 RBI; 2-3).
FRESHMAN SEASON(2006): Was top all-aroundplayer in the 2005 Blue-GoldWorld Series, as Gold[apos]s secondbesthitter (.429, 3-for-7, 5 RBI,2 R, 2 2B, 3 BB) while makingno errors at second and loggingtwo shutout, no-hit appearances(3.2 IP, BB, 3 Ks) … saved finalBGS game in `05 (6-3) byretiring 8-of-9 (BB, K), afterearlier RBI double, two walksand run scored … rated as theBIG EAST Conference[apos]s topfreshman offensive player in2006, earning second team allleaguehonors while becomingfirst freshman in nearly 20 yearsto lead the Irish in RBI …Cincinnati outfielder JoshHarrison was only otherfreshman position player namedall-BIG EAST (3rd team) whiletwo freshman pitchers – ND[apos]sKyle Weiland and Cincinnati[apos]sSteve Blevins – were named tothe second team (all four of theabove were passed over, as USF3B Addison Maruszek wasnamed rookie of the year) … ledall BIG EAST freshmen inoverall (49) and league RBI(27), also owning top freshmantotals for triples (6 overall, 3 inleague) and league ABs (111) …his 49 RBI were 11th among allBIG EAST players whileCincinnati[apos]s Logan Parker wasonly BIG EAST player withmore triples (seven overall, four league) … inconference action, his 27 RBI ranked fourthamong all BIG EAST players behind WestVirginia senior Stan Posluszny, Rutgerssophomore Frank Meade and St. John[apos]s seniorWill Vogl … first freshman to lead Notre Damein RBI since future All-American and bigleaguer Dan Peltier had a team-best 39 in `87… Brant Ust (54, in `97) is only ND freshmanever to total more RBI in a season than Barnes… led `06 team in triples (6) and ABs (231),second in hits (68) and stolen bases (9-of-14),third in runs (40), total bases (97), walks (29)and games played (58), fourth in slugging pct.(.420) and doubles (11) … his other statsincluded .294 batting, 11 doubles, pair of homeruns .381 on-base and 38 Ks (55 GS, 5 HBP, 2sac. bunts, 7 Es/.964 fielding) … hit 62 pointshigher with runners in scoring position (.356;5th on team), also fifth on team with .472batting vs. RH pitchers (.325 vs. LHPs) whileowning .472 leadoff on-base pct. (5th) … hit.230 with 2-outs (12 RBI) … finished -4 inplate-discipline ratio (29 BB+5 HBP-38 Ks) …had only a pair of 2-error games (none with 3-plus Es) … his 14 multi-RBI games trailed onlyMatt Bransfield[apos]s 16 (5th on team with 17multi-hit games) … starting assignmentsreflected his versatility, with starts at all fourinfield spots (22 at 2B, six each at SS and third,three at 1B) to go along with 18 DH startswhile batting 22 times in cleanup spot and 25in 3-hole (twice at leadoff, five as #5 batter,once in #7 spot) … the Irish were 11-1 whenhe started on left side of infield (6-0 at 3B, 5-1at SS) and 18-3 when he was cleanup batter …batted slightly higher in all road games (.300,39-for- 130, 27 RBI, 23 R, HR, 5 3B, 8 2B)than at home (.287, 29-for-101, 22 RBI, 17 R,HR, 3B, 3 2B) … his other stats in `06 BIGEAST games: .306 batting, 15 BB (19 R, HR, 52B, HBP, 16 Ks, SAC, 2-5 SB, 2 Es/.973) …made debut in 8-2 win over Air Force (1-for-5,R; in Millington, Tenn.) … hit 3-for-4 in earlyloss to Arizona (SB; 0-2 in 10 inn., atMetrodome) … his swinging bunt to left sideforged 8thinning tie with #15 Texas A&M (4-4,in San Antonio) and he then stole a base beforescoring on Cody Rizzo[apos]s double for eventualwinning run (5-4) … hit 2-for-4 in home winover Central Michigan (2 RBI, R, B; 11-9),sparking nine-game hit streak from March 22-April 2 … had early double and run, followedby 2-run blast and RBI single to lead 6-3 roadwin over Georgetown (3-for-6) … hisimpressive series versus Pittsburgh (6-for-14, 3RBI, 2 R, 2B, BB, K) included dramatic gameendinghit to complete sweep – sending 0-1pitch into left-center for 1-out, 2-run single and9-8 win (3-for-5, 2 R, BB) … added RBIdouble days later in 6-4 comeback win overBall State … his 4-for-5 game helped completesweep at South Florida (2 RBI, 2 R, 3B, 2B) …added 2-for-10 effort in sweep of St. John[apos]s (2R, 4 BB, HBP, K) and batted 4-for-15 as Irishtook three from Rutgers (2 R, 4 RBI, SAC, SF,2 Ks) … had pair of hits in game-2 vs. RU (3RBI, R) and again in game-3 (RBI, R) … his 3-for-11 series at UConn (R, 4 RBI, 2B, 3 BB, 2Ks, 1-2 SB) included pair of RBI in tight game-1 (1-for-3, BB, SF, K; 7-6) and 2 RBI innightcap (1-for-5, R, 2B, SB, K; 7-3; game-3ended 1-1) … homered in 12-1 win overCleveland State (2-for-4, 4 RBI, R, HBP) … hit4-for-13 in Louisville series (3 R, 4 RBI, 3B, 2Ks), including 2-for-4 in 11-3 opener (3 RBI,R, K; UL won next two, 5-4 and 9-6) … added3-for-11 in another 1-2 series, at Seton Hall (3RBI, 3 R, 2B, 2 BB, 2 Ks), with 2 RBI in 7-6opening loss (R, 2B, SF, K) … hit 3-for-14 inroad sweep of Villanova (2 RBI, 4 R, BB, K; 2-for-4 with RBI in 3-1 opener) … factored intonearly one-third of team[apos]s runs (10-of-28; 6RBI, 4 R) as Irish won fifth straight BIG EASTTournament title, in Clearwater, Fla. … team[apos]ssecond-leading hitter (.421, 8-for-19) at theBET, with team-best RBI total and pair oftriples (BB, HBP, 4 Ks, SB) … started strong atBET with 3-for-4 game vs. USF (2 RBI, 3B; 3- 1) and 3-for-5 vs.West Virginia (3 RBI, 2 R,SB; 12-4) … scored key run in elimination gamewith St. John[apos]s (0-for-2, R, BB, HBP, K; 5-3)and tripled/scored to help finish off Louisvillein title game (1-for-4, K; 7-0) … batted 3-for-11 in two games at NCAA Lexington Regional(2 R, 3B, 2B, BB).
PREP & PERSONAL: All-state and teamMVP as senior shortstop at South Garland HighSchool (.430, 39 R, 9 2B, 4 HR) … helped `05team win conference title … team MVP asjunior in `04, earning all-district honors as ashortstop (.314, 3 HR) and pitcher … set SGHSrecord with 1.31 ERA in `04, including nohitterversus rival Garland HS squad led byJarrod Plumber (later a member of the L.A.Dodgers organization) … named all-conferencein his final three seasons … pitched in title gameat `04 summer nationals, with Dallas Tigers …competed with Tigers at 2003 (runner-up) and `04 Wood Bat Championships … threw perfectgame as 14- year old with Garland Cubs andplayed in Pony World Series … receivedprestigious Sons of the Revolutionary WarAward … one of three Texas natives on `09Notre Dame roster … current PhiladelphiaPhillies closer Brad Lidge also wore #20 duringhis Notre Dame career … mother SharonBarnes played basketball at the University ofArkansas-Monticello … born April 13, 1987, inTexarkana, Texas … son of David and SharonBarnes … full name is Jeremy David Barnes …entered 2008 fall semester with a 3.153cumulative GPA, including a 3.47 in-seasonGPA during the 2006 spring term, a 3.56 in thefall of `07 and 3.238 in the spring of [apos]08 … ananthropology major, in the College of Arts andLetters.
Barnes[apos] Career Statistics
Year | G-S | AB | R | H | 2B | 3B | HR | RBI | BB | HP | SO | SF/SH | SB-SBA | OB | SLG | AVG |
2006 | 58/55 | 231 | 40 | 68 | 11 | 6 | 2 | 49 | 29 | 5 | 38 | 3/2 | 9-14 | .381 | .420 | .294 |
2007 | 56/54 | 194 | 27 | 50 | 8 | 2 | 1 | 28 | 20 | 1 | 22 | 1/4 | 8-8 | .329 | .335 | .258 |
2008 | 55/53 | 199 | 40 | 61 | 15 | 1 | 8 | 50 | 29 | 2 | 25 | 3/4 | 3-6 | .395 | .513 | .307 |
Totals | 169/162 | 624 | 107 | 179 | 34 | 9 | 11 | 127 | 78 | 8 | 85 | 7/10 | 20-28 | .370 | .423 | .287 |