For the 2017 season additional game day drive-up parking is available on the south side of campus on the University’s Burke Golf Course.
Price $50.00
Lot will open at 7:00 a.m.
- Patrons wishing to gain entrance to this lot must display game tickets at time of arrival.
- Tailgating will be permitted.
- The lot will not be in use if inclement weather is experienced.
- Signs at the entrance of Burke and exit 77 of the Toll Road will advise if lot is closed.
- Entrance to the lot is located on Angela Blvd.
- There is no complimentary parking for Faculty/Staff/Students in this lot.
- This lot can be utilized by passenger vehicles only. No oversized vehicles (RV’s, limousines, buses) or motorcycles will be admitted.
- Shuttle service is not available for this lot.
- Overnight Parking — NO OVERNIGHT PARKING IS PERMITTED IN THE BURKE GOLF COURSE PARKING LOT!!! All vehicles and individuals must vacate the lot 3 hours following the game’s conclusion. Vehicles remaining in this parking lot after this time will be towed.