Charitable Organization & Personal Autograph Requests

NOTICE: Requests for ND Football will not be reviewed, nor have any action taken on them, until March 3, 2025 at the earliest.

The University is a not-for-profit, tax-exempt institution, chartered to fulfill certain educational and other related missions. As a general rule, and in light of tax-related and various resource restrictions, the Athletic Department cannot accommodate requests for donations of in-kind team related items. Subject to availability, individuals and organizations may purchase autographed in-kind team goods through the Athletic Department’s online ND Marketplace website, linked on this page.

  • Due to the time demands on our student-athletes and the challenges of monitoring NCAA rules in this area, the University cannot accommodate requests for student-athlete autographed items. For similar reasons, it cannot accommodate requests for personal items procured outside of the online marketplace to be autographed by coaches or staff.

All requests will:

  • be reviewed for approval prior to purchase. Customers will be notified of the approval and will need to complete their purchase within two weeks. Orders that are not purchased within two weeks of approval are subject to cancellation.
  • be personalized and signed with “Go Irish!” and the applicable coach’s signature. We cannot accommodate requests for other types of individualized messages.
  • be processed and shipped within six weeks of their approval. In light of limited processing resources, expedited requests, including the accommodation of birthdays, anniversaries, and other rush order rationale, will not be accommodated.

Ticket Donation Requests

While we appreciate the various causes that seek support in partnership with Notre Dame Athletics, we regret that we cannot accommodate complimentary ticket requests for private fundraising events. Individuals and/or organizations wishing to incorporate tickets for Notre Dame Athletics events in their offerings are encouraged to contact for available purchasing options to secure tickets that may be auctioned and/or transferred in alignment with ND Athletics ticket policies.

Charitable Contributions

In alignment with the University, ND Athletics is committed to expanding and cultivating the mutually beneficial partnerships with our local, regional and global community. An organization requesting a contribution should be a registered 501(c)(3) and its mission and/or activities must be consistent with the University’s mission and the teachings of the Catholic Church. The organization must be able to demonstrate measurable and positive community impact. Significant consideration will be given to projects or initiatives that involve collaboration among multiple organizations, and increasing priority will be placed on programs or projects that benefit the South Bend Elkhart region. The University of Notre Dame, as a not-for-profit institution organized under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, is prohibited from making political donations or otherwise supporting or opposing a political candidate, political party, or ballot initiative. Additionally, the University does not contribute funding to capital projects.

Any additional requests not explicitly outlined above, as well as questions about the above stated guidelines, should be directed to for assessment and processing.