Tennessee Tennessee
Women's Soccer Women's Soccer
Miami Miami
Men's Tennis Men's Tennis
Women's Lacrosse Women's Lacrosse
Stanford Stanford
Women's Soccer Women's Soccer
Michigan State Michigan State
Softball Softball
Virginia Tech Virginia Tech
Women's Tennis Women's Tennis
Men's Lacrosse Men's Lacrosse
Duke Duke
Women's Soccer Women's Soccer
Michigan Michigan
No. 2 TCU No. 2 TCU
Women's Basketball Women's Basketball
Women's Lacrosse Women's Lacrosse
North Carolina North Carolina
Virginia Virginia
Women's Tennis Women's Tennis
Florida State Florida State
Men's Tennis Men's Tennis
Tennessee Tennessee
Women's Soccer Women's Soccer
Miami Miami
Men's Tennis Men's Tennis
Women's Lacrosse Women's Lacrosse
Stanford Stanford

Men's Soccer Camps

Click Here to Register

*Camps are open to any and all registrants limited only by number, age, grade and/or gender

*No on campus lodging will be provided for camps

Winter ID Camp

Our ID Camps focus on preparing competitive players for college soccer. Our camps are primarily run by the Notre Dame Men’s Soccer staff which provides an intimate environment for players to see what it is like to train and play like the Fighting Irish. Notre Dame has annually recruited several players out of these ID Camps. With the help of the Notre Dame coaching staff and current Notre Dame players teaching at all the camps, our staff has put together a camp program that is second to none.

January 18 – 1:00-7:00pm

January 19 – 8:00am-3:30pm

Summer ID Camp

Our ID Camps focus on preparing competitive players for college soccer. Our camps are primarily run by the Notre Dame Men’s Soccer staff which provides an intimate environment for players to see what it is like to train and play like the Fighting Irish. Notre Dame has annually recruited several players out of these ID Camps. With the help of the Notre Dame coaching staff and current Notre Dame players teaching at all the camps, our staff has put together a camp program that is second to none.

Co-Ed Youth Day Camp

Our Youth Academy Camp caters to players between kindergarten and 8th grade. The purpose of this camp is for players to develop fundamental soccer skills and techniques in an environment focused on FUN!