Mike Brown: Of Blue and Gold Blood
By Mike Brown '01Mike Brown graduated from the University of Notre Dame in 2001 as the first Black student-athlete to portray the Notre Dame Leprechaun. Since his departure from campus, Brown has served the University as a Director on the Monogram Club Board from 2010-13 and as a Young Alumni Director on the Alumni Association Board from 2005-08. He earned his degree in Management Information Systems and currently works at the University as the Regional Director of Athletics Advancement.
This installment of Signed, the Irish is part of a yearlong celebration in honor of Thompson’s legacy and the extraordinary contributions by our Black student-athletes.
“You have blue and gold blood like everyone else.”
Those are the words my former cheer coach, Jonette “Coach Jo” Minton, shared during a one-on-one meeting after I was named the next student to serve as Notre Dame’s Leprechaun mascot, and the first Black student to portray the role.
Those words have stayed with me as a reminder whenever I step into any room or situation.
I’m here.
I belong here.
As I reflect on the celebration of 75-plus years of Black students at Notre Dame, I, of course, think about Frazier Thompson. He was the first Black graduate of the University of Notre Dame in 1947. I arrived on campus as a wide-eyed freshman 50 years later. I’m extremely grateful for him and the many people who paved the way for me to be there.
I believe everyone has their own personal journey at Notre Dame and within any community they may be part of. The more we embrace the value each person brings to the community, and increasingly create a community from varying backgrounds and experiences to feel included, the further enriched that community will be.
Overall, my experience as a student at Notre Dame was extremely positive. I was challenged and had significant growth in every facet of my life, but it wasn’t like that for everyone and, in particular, many Black and other underrepresented students within the ND community.
Many of my Black friends would be in the library and asked to show their student IDs as evidence they belonged.
Many also had people assume they were at Notre Dame because they played a Varsity sport.
I’m originally from Milwaukee, Wisconsin, and was planning to attend Marquette University until I met a Domer from the class of ‘83, Mike Peterson, when I was a rising senior in high school.
Once he learned more about me he asked if I’d considered looking at going to Notre Dame. I had never considered it and honestly didn’t know where the school was located. He insisted I apply and when I was accepted I made the decision to turn down a full scholarship to Marquette and went with my heart, which for some reason was with Notre Dame.
I hadn’t visited the school, would ultimately have to take out student loans, as well as get a job to afford it, but it’s where my heart was.
Although I didn’t know anyone at ND, I dove in headfirst.
I joined the gospel choir, played intramural football, started a new step club, participated in new activities like inner-tube water polo, broom-ball, and ultimate Frisbee during the first two years there.
Then, during the spring of my sophomore year, I wasn’t accepted into a London study abroad program… which unknowingly paved the way for me to try out to serve as the Leprechaun, thanks to the urging of my dorm-mates.
I went into the process with nothing to lose and figured I’d do it for fun. I felt as though my tryout went well, but I wasn’t 100 percent sure they’d let a Black person do this.
During the interview process, I was asked if I’d still want to be in the role if they put a head on the mascot (the Leprechaun doesn’t wear headgear like most others do).
While I said yes, on the inside I was furious and thought to myself, “the first Black person is named the Leprechaun, and they decided to put a head on mascot? Hell, no!”
I knew that wasn’t going to go over well, so I didn’t focus on it too much and simply left the tryout knowing I did my best.
When I was named the Leprechaun, I poured my all into the role as I focused on bringing energy, passion, and spirit to every game, event, etc.
I never tried to be like other Leprechauns. I had no gymnastics background, I had only recently learned the Fight Song and Alma Mater, and didn’t know a lot of ND football history. But I knew I had energy, spirit, and passion – as well as a love for this University – I knew I belonged in the role.
Friends have told me there were people in the stands that make derogatory comments about a Black person in the role, but thankfully I didn’t have anyone directly yell or confront me about it.
That hasn’t been the experience for every Leprechaun.
Since that time we’ve had two additional Black students and two women serve in the role, and while most people were receptive to them, there are still some who were/are not. But like every Leprechaun before them, they each brought something special to the role and enriched the experience for Notre Dame’s family and friends.
Through it all, I encourage us to appreciate the gifts each person brings to the community.
I encourage us to continue to make conscious efforts to ensure decision-making and learning rooms are filled with people from diverse backgrounds.
I encourage us to continue to focus on doing the best we can to use our gifts to make a difference in our global and local communities – and to anyone reading this five, ten, or fifty years from now, may you always remember, “You have blue and gold blood like everyone else.”
I’m glad you’re here and thank you for enriching our community.