Pat Duret 2008-09 Swimming and Diving Roster

AS A SENIOR (2009-10): Rewrote her personalrecord book she broke three career-best times atthe BIG EAST Championships as an exhibitionswimmer … those personal bests included timesof 1:06.47 in the 100 breast, 2:25.27 in the 200breast and 58.83 in the 100 fly … notchedanother personal best in her 200 IM performanceat the Hoosierland Invitational with a time of2:11.79, which was better than 4 seconds fasterthan her preliminary swim … lead off a 400 freerelay against league foe Louisville in a time of57.83 for a personal best … swam 11 breaststrokeevents for the Irish in her final season.
AS A JUNIOR (2008-09): Swam well for the Irishdespite an injured knee that required surgeryafter the BIG EAST Championships … best meet ofthe season came at Michigan when she raced tocareer-bests in the 100 breast (1:07.10) and 100 fly(1:00.03) … went a career-best 26.49 in the 50 freeat the Ohio State Invitational … consistent breast-stroker and competed in the 100 and 200 breastevents eight times throughout the campaign …tested herself in the 200 IM (2:16.57) at theShamrock Invitational.
AS A SOPHOMORE (2007-08): Went oneround in the 50 free (27.45) and the 100 free(59.36) at the Shamrock Invitational … swam the100 back in 1:07.26 (Irish Invitational) and 1:10.37(Miami) … excelled in the 100 breast during theBIG EAST Championships (1:09.55) … touched thewall in 2:27.14 in the 200 breast at the leaguemeet … also tried her hand in the 200 IM (2:18.88)versus Pittsburgh and the 100 fly (1:04.11).As A FResHMAn (2006-07): Best meet of theseason was the Shamrock Invitational where sheposted four career-best times with the Irish …main events during the campaign were of thebreaststroke variety … eighth best for the Irish inthe 100 and 200 breast.
THE DURET FILE: Cardinal Mooney (Fla.) team MVP as both a juniorand senior … named to the Herald Tribune All-Area Team in each of her final three prep seasons… member of the Sarasota YMCA Sharks, a teamthat was the YMCA national champion in 2005and 2006 with Duret on the squad … swam for theSharks since she was six years old and honoredwith the team[apos]s Mary Champey award … regionalqualifier for the 2005-06 campaign … districtchampion as both a sophomore and junior …named MVP for her high school in her final twoseasons … member of the National Honor Society,Interact Club, Pep Club and God Rocks … fullname is Patricia Genevieve Duret … daughter ofMartine and Patrick Duret … born March 17, 1988,(St. Patrick[apos]s Day) in Skokie, Ill. … hails from thesame area and high school as former Notre Dametight end Jared Clark … older brother plays soccerfor Western Illinois … avid ice skater … enjoyspainting and drawing … member of Notre Dame[apos]sUndergraduate Women In Business Club … gradu-ated from the Mendoza College of Business as amarketing major.
Duret[apos]s Career Bests
Event | Time | Meet |
50 Free | 26.49 | Ohio State Invite (2009) |
100 Fly | 58.83 | BIG EAST (2010) |
100 Breast | 1:06.47 | BIG EAST (2010) |
200 Breast | 2:25.27 | BIG EAST (2010) |
200 IM | 2:11.79 | Hoosierland Invite (2009) |